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Apr 28, 2023
Honda finance

You’re at your Honda dealer looking at the car of your dreams and all ready to buy. Except you haven’t secured any financing yet. You know you can go to your bank and get a car loan from them, but your dealership also offers financing. So, which should you choose? We’re going to give you four good reasons to stay at your dealership and obtain your car financing there.

1. It’s Convenient

You’re already at your dealership looking at cars, so why make an extra trip to go to the bank? Even if you talk to your bank before your car search, the time it takes to contact them again when you’re ready to buy means you could lose out on the car you’ve found. Besides, when you secure your loan from your bank or other financial institution, you have to do all the work. At your dealership, they’re ready with the paperwork and have done all the work for you.

2. You’re More Likely To Get a Loan

If you have bad credit, your bank isn’t likely to give you a loan. And even if your credit is decent and you do get a loan, it’s likely to come with high interest rates. However, your car dealership doesn’t make their money off of your loan: they make it off of the actual car sale. This means they’re a lot more likely to take a chance on you and offer you a loan.

3. You’ll Be Offered More Flexible Terms

When you get a loan from your bank, the payment terms are likely set out for you and will often come with a set interest rate. Dealerships tend to offer very generous loan terms and interest rates to get customers in the door.

4. You’ll Get Some Loan Amount Flexibility

Your bank will give you a set amount for your loan and unless you want to re-apply or come up with more money yourself, that’s the amount you have to work with. However, often you’ll find a vehicle that’s perfect for you that’s slightly above the amount you have, or you want some additional features added on. Securing your loan through your dealership means you can apply for the amount you need when you go to purchase your dream car.

At Rick Roush Honda, our goal is to give you an interactive tour of our inventory and get you a quote. Our friendly staff will then happily schedule a test drive, answer any questions you may have, and help you apply for financing. Visit Rick Roush Honda online today to take an interactive tour and start your vehicle buying journey.