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Sep 22, 2023
A photo of an AC smoking and the text: Car AC Not Working? Visit Your Honda Dealership Today - Rick Roush Honda Blog

The summers in Ohio can get pretty hot. No driver wants to be caught with their car AC not working while commuting to work or taking a day trip out of town. If you ever experience any of the following AC problems in your vehicle, a technician at your local Honda dealership can fix it and get your cabin comfortably cool once more. 

The Air Stops Blowing

If no air comes out of the AC vents when you switch it on, one of them may have become clogged by debris such as leaves coming in from the outside. If the vents are clear, something may be wrong with the blower fan instead; the blower fan’s motor may have become worn out by age. Alternatively, the blower resistor, which regulates the level of air blowing into your cabin, may be malfunctioning.

Electrical faults can also stop the blower fan from working. You can check the fuse box to see if the fuse has blown. The relay, which controls the electrical current going to the AC, might also be faulty. 

Only Warm or Hot Air

If air is blowing into the cabin, but it won’t cool down as it should, then it’s more likely that you have a problem with the refrigerant. Refrigerant is the substance that circulates through the air-con system, continually converting from gas to liquid and back again, lowering the temperature as it does.

When refrigerant fails to generate this coldness, the flow of refrigerant may have become interrupted by a malfunctioning expansion valve in the evaporator. You might also have a refrigerant leak on your hands. As the refrigerant is a thin, oily, transparent substance, a leak can be difficult to spot and repair without a special refrigerant dye injected by a technician. 

Bad-Smelling AC Air

When any car part is left unused for months at a time, problems can develop. In the case of car AC, drivers often leave it unused over the colder winter months. 

During this period of disuse, fungi or mold can sometimes grow in any moisture that’s trapped inside the AC. This fills the AC with bacteria and can result in a mildewy smell when you turn the AC on again. 

The AC Makes Strange Noises

If a bearing inside your AC wears out, you might hear grinding or squeaking sounds as friction increases. Rattling sounds may point to a faltering compressor clutch or debris trapped inside the blower’s fans. You’ll usually need a technician to inspect the system and resolve the issue.


If your Honda is exhibiting any of the signs listed above, have your AC repaired today by qualified professionals at Rick Roush Honda. We provide a prompt, professional, hassle-free vehicle purchasing and servicing experience, whatever your car-related needs might be.

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