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Feb 24, 2023
transmission repair in Medina, OH

A well-maintained transmission allows you to get the best performance from your Honda’s engine. A worn or damaged transmission, in contrast, can result in an expensive repair or even cause an accident. As your Honda dealer in Medina, OH, we’d like you to know a few signs you could have a problem and you need to visit us for a transmission repair.

Signs You Need a Transmission Repair at Your Honda Dealer

Slipping Gears

Your Honda transmission is designed to change gears on the instructions of your transmission computer. Once the gear changes, your transmission will remain in that gear until it’s shifted again by the computer. A slipping gear occurs when the transmission unexpectedly shifts gear by itself. This can be very dangerous, as the gear usually slips into its previous position.

A transmission that’s slipping makes driving unsafe, as you no longer have full control over your car. Your Honda has a safety feature for this event, and the computer will shift to a single gear and prevent shifting to any gear other than the park gear. This is a temporary solution, but it allows you to reach our service department so our expert technicians can find the cause of the problem and repair it.

Transmission Won’t Shift

No driver thinks about their transmission shifting gears, as it happens automatically. As you drive and speed changes, the transmission computer shifts the gears flawlessly up or down. A transmission that suddenly fails to move is a major problem. If the transmission won’t respond, your Honda won’t be able to move even if the engine is running perfectly.

A non-responsive transmission can be annoying or dangerous, depending on whether it happens when you start your engine or if you’re driving when it suddenly occurs. The transmission’s failure could be caused by a failed transmission computer, a faulty solenoid, a blocked transmission filter, or a broken sensor. We’ll examine your transmission, identity the exact cause, and repair it.

Dragging Clutch

Around 3% of cars have a manual transmission, and a dragging clutch could be the bane of their lives. When you step on the clutch pedal in a manual, this movement releases the clutch disk from the flywheel and enables you to shift gears. If you have a dragging clutch, the clutch disk won’t disengage, and you’ll hear an awful grinding sound from the gears as you try and move the gear shift.

A dragging clutch is usually caused by a slack clutch cable that reduces the leverage between the clutch pedal and the clutch disk. We’ll check the cable and tighten it or install a new one if it’s damaged.

If you have any problem with your transmission, call us ASAP at Rick Roush Honda.